

Fred, that was a well posed, informative and upbeat comment regarding a great acheivement. (get a life)

with 34 posts and relativly new here you must not know that by now Eddie expects me to torment him whenever possible. That's the basis of our great friendship.

and I do have a life a very full on my friend

My Friend? Do you know me?

Does ones post count determine how much I know? Relatively new here? Look at my register date then look at yours then look at Eddie's. I've been here longer than Eddie; conceivably I could've read every post that involved yourself and Eddie. Nice try. (and technically, if you take count of my prior username, I've been here longer than you, but that’s a mute point).

I understand you have a "friendship" with Eddie, just not sure how your post contributes in anyway to the Moparts race forum, especially a thread of congratulations. Fred, if you wish to discuss how new I am any further, feel free to PM me.

Once again...Eddie, congratulations on a remarkable achievement and I apologize for the other(s) who have nothing but negativity to add to this thread.