Super Chevy needed an In with the mopar crowd and a name.... hence Mopar Action Magazine.

Super Chevy knew about my events, as they approached me about buying/using the name Monster Mopar and hiring me to run the shows. I then learned THEY dont run the shows.....they con tracks into buying the "name" of the event, and then its at the tracks discretion on how the event is handled. Thats why there is no payouts listed, or structure for that matter.

The tracks involved have ALWAYS held these Mopar Events on these exact same dates that they are on.

This isnt a Series with a group of people putting there heads together to make it the best it can be for the racers. Its a group of people who made up a name "and a bad one" and sold an Idea to a racetrack.... Its then the responsibilty of the racetrack to promote, sponsor, and run thge event.

It really becomes "more of the same" only different