
400 race cars
466 show cars
126 swap vendors

I was impressed by how well the event went.

For the first time at the new location and with "New Management" I think it was a great turnout.

Like it or not people resist change, they're set in their way of doing things. I'm as guilty of that as anyone.

Sometime change is a good thing, I think that you and your supporting staff did a fantastic job of making the event something that shouldn't be missed.
The weather is beyond every-ones control.

It could use some sort of evening/night time centralized cruise near the track planned out to make it more like the Mopar Nats (think Brice Rd or Heath).
Somewhere where for all the gear-heads to hang out and party.
We did stay in the pits at the track alot later on Saturday and enjoyed the band and the BBQ.
Still, it's not quite the same as a cruise.

Being from the St.Louis area do I miss the convenience of it being a local event?


Hopefully you'll be able to do a May Monster Mopar event in St.Louis.

Will I keep going to Monster Mopar in Indy?

Absolutely Yes!

Alot of people plan out early in the year what events that they're planning on going to (planning vacation time and you gotta fit them in the budget, lol) so the more notice that you give them the better.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol