I was told by a reliable source that Eddie Blankenship is no long involved with the Mopower Series.Eddie and Chris are the the people that I most trusted and ran the series for Charlie.Last year I got the impression that there were issues.
After having discussions with the Tedescos and a recent meeting with them it was decided that the Curt Memorial Race would be better served with out all the Classic verses Mopower drama and issues and that The race would be best not involved keeping on a level of integrity and professionalism that represented Curt's legesy.
We also would like to see any Mopar series of events survive and wish all the best to Charlie and Jeff.We are also happy that Josh has stepped up to try and start a new series and honored that he would like to work with BGR and PRP to have a Mopar race at Pittsburgh.
Not to discredit anyone,but after all the drama that has hurt the past events in both partisipation,attendence and reputations a new independent series is a welcoming breath of fresh air.
Our most important thoughts is to have a great event that Curt would be proud of.
Bob and all at BGR.

PS: We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Charlie,Chris and Eddie for the past great years involved with the Curt Memorial Race.

Last edited by B G Racing; 12/10/11 08:46 AM.