


IN a shop with air-tools ? ... 1/2 hour.

I don't know if most of us would get it apart in a half hour. That thing's been together for better than 15 years.

Even with air tools, unless you plan on replacing some other parts you bust by blowing it apart, I'ld bank on a couple of hours. Give or take.

If the knuckle has been off recently, then it would go a lot quicker.

Last year ...on my '90 Caravan ...a 5 speed half-shaft ...... me and a bud ...on his lift with air ....NO MORE than 20 minutes. And it had never been taken apart before.

A couple of hours? ... ...maybe taking a couple of breaks with a few pizzas and a case of beer ..

Well, I've done my share of these and it just sounds like you're a lot faster than me, Doc. Maybe I could get you to come over and do my next one?

Master, again and still