It seems the biggest complaint about NHRA is its lack of little guy support. Perhaps the answer is to establish an organization similiar to the "PRO" organization set-up years ago by the likes of Garlits or the (then) P/S group & go to NHRA with their list of compalints & suggestions.
Now on face value, many will say NHRA will ignore them & in all likelihood they're right. But this is a different era, with different yet similair problems (on both sides) and when presented not just with complaints, but solutions & assuming you'd have a large enough response maybe, just MAYBE, NHRA will listen. It's one thing to st back & complain, another to go to the "boss" & complain but when you go in numbers & not just with a complaint but a solution you can often get some sort of response instead of just having the door slammed in your face......