
If you dont like what i do shut your pie hole! An if id ask for anyones advise i sure the bell dont want yours!! Oh wait your "KING"

Truth hurts, doesn't it? Anyone that knows me knows I haven't typed anything I wouldn't say to your face..... No, you're KING.....it took you years and years of not listening and then finally going to another engine builder to get that thing into the 8's.....


Yes Ben you have helped me alot. You give me great advise an i have applied alot of it. Im sure that all the gains we have made are becouse your experince with fast cars down the track!! Ya one of these days ill send you a graph..lol

It's funny that you respect Ben's advice, when, if you read between the lines, he's agreed with me.....


He is (admittedly) going about things differently than some would wish,.....


I'm thinking he doesn't know how that bar works, it does not unload the tire like convential bars do.

If it's some new trick bandaid, you're right, I haven't seen anything about it........

EDIT......I just looked it up on Cal-Tracs site.....It's amazing what people will bolt on their car when they don't understand how to fix their suspension the right way.... It'll be interesting to see them on an SS/AH car.......

BTW......The only reason I commented in this attention ho thread was because my comments in your other attention ho thread were brought up...

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......