First off- we had a GREAT time at the track all weekend . I wish it could have been the whole gang but it was just Ted , Steve and myself .

Great weather -except for the 20+ mph crosswind...

Saturday morning----we all 3 showed up late and missed the 1st time trial--we all pulled in the gate at the same time which was weird

I was making good time but had a big problem.....and had to pull off on the highway , hit the ditch , and "evacuate" .

5 minutes later down the road....truck ran out of gas . Threw 2 gallons in and hit a station--and on my way (late)

So me and Ted are eyeballing each other and I told him we have been waiting all year to lock horns---LETS GET IT ON !!

We went to the back of the TT #2 line and went at it ...

ted ______ me
.665 rt ____ .057 rt
6.60 et ____ 6.53 et

yes , thats a .665 light....He said the car stumbled...... (i think the ol fella was taking his old man mid mornin' nap)

SO , we got to give it another shot - this race was MUCH better--- way fun !!

Ted _____ Me
.060 rt _____ .029 rt

6.58 et _____ 6.54 et

good race !

(im 3-0 now Ted just to remind ya)

Day 1 elims , ol Teddy went 4 rounds ! He was happier than a Billygoat takin a crap on an eggplant .

I went 3 , Steve went 2? , Steve had a problem right before the finish line.....fuel related...

So we kicked back and ate some good food (thanks Mrs Boomer) and I had 79 beers , i think steve had 2 . Ted went home to bed.

Day 2 .....
had some rain-they dried the track for a long time and cut us to 1 time trial. I hate that--why not give us 2? Im sure every racer would not mind the extra 30 minutes of a race day vs not getting 2 TT .

My car missed and popped on my time run. I suspected the brand NEW O'Reilly cap and rotor. Miraculously , Ted had a new Accel cap and rotor with him !!!!
Stuck her on and it was back to normal. (do not ever buy a mopar cap and rotor from Oreilly auto parts---i killed 2 in 8 race days ---no kidding.)

Ted went out in R1 and hung up his gloves

Steve and I destroyed .

I went to the semi-final and lost by .009 MOV ! The car slowed .02 and i had a FRiggin .009 RT

Stevie moved on and won Pro --then had to run a Super pro car for the big $$.

And he slayed the dragon !!
Great job Mr Lonemopar !!!!!!!!!!

Really great time --too bad the season is over as we prepare for the blizzards and ice storms

Man --i was happy with my lights sunday (i need to be in a pro stocker..... )


Ted - I owe ya a cap and rotor and 3 Busch lights - dont forget !

Oh yea , and - Cedar Falls HOOKS, and it hooks HARD. I can really feel a difference vs Eddyville !!
I though my car was going to rip itself apart-- nice and violent leaves---LOVED IT !!

Last edited by 493_DART; 10/17/11 03:37 AM.