1. Think long and hard about what you want the car to do/be when it's done. Be VERY honest with yourself or you won't be happy with it and will throw good money after bad to make it right.

2. Research what it will take to achieve your goal. Researching now will keep you from throwing good money after bad (see a pattern? As Moltke said "A plan is nothing. To plan is everything").

3. Build the car to meet your goal.

4. If your goal is a stock 'cruiser' and you have a cast iron intake, I would suggest using what you have. Why spend the money on a CH-4B which is EXACTLY the same as your stock intake except that it's cast in aluminum? Bear in mind that iron (engine) and aluminum (intake) expand at different rates as they heat up and cool. This differential will cause sealing problems that you will avoid with the iron intake.

5. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with fuel injection. FOR ME, I'm not interested in injection because I understand carburetors and don't feel that a laptop computer should be required to tune my hot rod. Also, I don't mind taking a wrench to my car now and again to keep it running right. It's my hobby...