The Rancho shocks were definitely shorter...and fatter, and have no shield, all things that matter when you are using a coil-over kit designed around a standard shock. We decided to pull the Strange double adjustables off Dale's racecar. That didn't work. I mentioned that possibly Dad and I should just jump in the Valiant and head to Topeka, taking it slow and easy, and leaving the rest of them there to fend for themsevles.
This came at about the same time Dale announced he had to go pick up his kids (a 70 mile round trip) because they were coming along to Topeka as well.
Add one Dad, one GF, 2 kids...first off that's 750 lbs. we haven't accounted for, and 2nd, WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR 4 BROTHERS ADVENTURE!! I was torqued off to say the least, I felt like crap, and I had zero patience for any of them!!
Dale walked out with a plate of hot wings, and I realized I hadn't ate anything since Pizza Hut the night before, amazing how cooked meat can help your attitude immensely.

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"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines