On Friday first run in the morning I had a 1.29 60ft which was way better then my best of 1.33 prior to that day. The car all weekend had anywhere from a 1.29 to 1.32 60ft. Also had a new best ET of 9.72 and the car was on a string!!! I had 3 runs with a 9.73 and 4 runs with a 9.72 all in a row over Saturday and Sunday -- morning, afternoon or night Now all the car has to do is teach me how to drive

Got to thank by bud Dave for all his help and guidance to get the car to this point so far ----- he thinks he's done but I have different thoughts bout that

Got to hang with my friends Walt, Chad, Bill and Butch and see a bunch of friends I have not seen for a while. Had some of Randy's Jambalya and some really great Canadian beer from our friends up North!! Great to see everyone once again.
