I live in a town that is notorious for its by-the-book traffic enforcement. That's fine by me, since everyone knows about it, you just have to drive accordingly. Well, one day I was in the 68 Charger and I wasn't driving accordingly - I realized I needed to turn left and I was in the far right lane, so I punched it and cut over three lanes to the turn lane. A motor unit rolls up to me and the guy says "That thing have turn signals?" Uh, yes sir, I tell him. "Well, you might think about using them so nobody hits that nice lookin' car you have there. Have a nice day"

You know, here's the funny thing about it. I knew I was dead in the water as far as getting a ticket, but he let me slide. Now, when I am out driving downtown (where all the enforcement is), I don't even break any laws, even minor ones. Why? Because I would feel like an *ass* after I got treated with some respect, you know, to turn around and drive like a goober. Weird how that works, huh?

Trying to enjoy life!