I have 4 cars, one with 700, one with 550, one with 500 and sidepipes and my daily driver has over 400. My neighbors (I live near a couple golf courses) are for the most part pretty cool and they know when I'm coming in and out of the neighborhood I pretty much just Idle around, keeping the db's to a minimum.

If it's a track only car and you got to do some adjustments, I used to flange my muffs and throw a pair of sears muzzlers on the car, as quiet as a milk truck and nobody bothered me the whole time. sometimes I just shove some wadded up steel wool in the tailpipes, you'd be amazed how many DB's it cuts things down, even at 11+:1 cr's and big overlap cams. don't shove it in too far and you fish it out with a coat hanger or a piece of rod with a bent hook on the end.

Nothing says "hey I'm a Douc%bag" like revving your (you know it's loud) motor for no apparent reason while driving around, like a very bad (and often undeserved) harley or ricer stereotype. I like good tone but not necessarily volume, and to me the most impressive street cars are the ones that are Quicker than they sound. They admire the sound for the right reasons and not the wrong ones. The worst is for a car or Bike to be both Loud AND Slow...and there's wayyyy too many of those out there. If you're loud and fast at least you're not around long enough to bother anybody, loud and slow and your annoyance just lingers on and on....like a lawn mower which most of those guys should just as well be riding

Would my cars be a tenth or 2 quicker running ultraflows instead of Hemi turbos'...probably, but not enough that I miss it. So my street cars are just loud enough, but just not loud enough to be annoying.

Last edited by Streetwize; 08/24/11 05:40 PM.


World's Quickest Diahatsu Rocky (??) 414" Stroker Small block Mopar Powered. 10.84 @ 123...and gettin' quicker!


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