
Has anyone ever used the Eastwood undercoating remover? Is it any good/worth the price?

Hehehe.....Eastwood has a small showroom next to their warehouse, in which, one corner houses their clearance stuff. The shelves are marked $2.00 for spray cans, $5.00 for gallons etc. It's usually either stuff they can't sell as new (paint spilled on the cans for ex.) or discontinued items.

So I'm poking around in there one day and they have a bunch of undercoating remover on the $2.00 shelf. I ask the guy behind the counter if this stuff actually works. "Of course it works!" he snaps.

" If it works so well, why is it on the two dollar shelf?" I ask him. I never knew you could get banned from a showroom.

1968 GTX hardtop
1968 Sport Satellite Convertible 383/4spd
1933 Plymouth coupe
2002 Ram 2500 oil burner 4x4
2015 Grand Cherokee
2013 Challenger
1957 Chrysler Saratoga

Man...I need a bigger freakin' garage.