
Yeah, I was hoping to run a stock amperage alternator or maybe a 60 amp unit with the regular regulator. I ran a 60 amp unit with a regular electronic replacement regulator for a few years with no problem. No discharge at idle, no dim headlights.

When I switched to the electronic ignition I change the regulator to the mopar performance blue one that provides a constant 13.5V. I burned up some wires very shortly after. I went to the parts store and they had a regulator that looked identical to the MP constant 13.5V but it wasnt blue, and it said not to use it with a 60 amp alternator.

Right now I'm trying to find another electronic replacement regulator for my 60 amp alternator. The ones i'm finding all say to use them with a 35 or 45 amp unit, but not 60. Any input there?

Im looking at this one yearnone has, http://www.yearone.com/serverfiles/fbshopmain2.asp?cat=1

I'm not sure if I will have a problem with the 60 amp alternator though? I'm not the best with charging systems, I would think it shouldn't matter. But I saw the other ones listed to not use with a 60 amp and now I'm unsure.

I don't know the deal on single field regulator capacity but it sounds like a good reason to go ahead and upgrade to a dual field if you want to run 60 amps. There is a wiring diagram in the archives; its very straight forward with a regulator connector from the parts store and a few feet of 16 or 14 guage wire. Solder and heat shrink the connections/splices and you are good to go.