Thanks for the all good advice

I am using Karakashian's cam and followed his advice on setting the lifter preload except one issue. I was not careful enough when I had to stack two concentric steel shims to obtain correct preload.


"Karakashian sets the lifter preload at 0.010 inch. Because of the nonadjustable rocker arms, this is accomplished using special shims that fit under the rocker shafts. This preload setting is especially critical after having the heads milled or changing the cam."

I should had trimmed the lengths of the steel shims to get them to “nest” together better and prevent distortion of the stand, OR I could had used eccentric soft aluminum shims, OR shorter pushrods...

Here's Hughes Engines instructions for trimming the steel shims

I guess am going to have the stands milled off and using the separate stands, but a few cracks were really deep and therefore should have tall stands.

Is the height of the Max Wedge and W-2 race head stands the same?