
Hey..... I remember you!

Yeah ive been gone about 3 years or so. Got a bit off track and disgruntled with the old car scene...didnt really want to do the show thing...I found them rather..well BORING to be honest...and im not talking going to them to look..i still do and like that..im talking the register the car get there at 9-10am and stay there till 4PM stuff..cant stand doing that...I like to go, look for a bit talk for a bit then leave..1-2.5 hours TOPS(unless its a Carlisle size show) and thats all the guys in my club at the time did..since then ive just started going to cruise ins..staying long enough to see all the cars and chat then just going..thats much more fun. During that time I almost sold the car..just had other stuff I was into and doing(competitive shooting sports) and spending $$$ on..but thats worn off a bit and now im in the position to do both the car thing and the shooting thing on a more limited casual basis..just didnt have enough $$ for car parts AND new guns lol.

Went to Carlisle this year and that really got me back into the car scene so I bought this headliner and had saw Demon Sizzlers TQ for sale and got one to add to replace the Eddie 750 thats on the car now but is rather hard to start after the car sits a while...plus figured id try something new .

Now I keep trying to get this headliner in and I keep running into time problems like its almost dark(after painting everything last night and letting it fry by the time id have gotten to do this it was 730pm and I wanted more than a hour of sunlight to do it) and now as I started its raining (got ready to do it at 5pm tonight and noticed it was getting awful dark..the weather mans forecast of a 100% sunny and DRY day was wrong..we got rain from 5pm-630...so more delays lol.