After having many discussions about this new ignition system with Don, I decided to buy the ECU and 12 volt coil. Since I am currently running his distributor and his old ECU, this should be a direct bolt in deal. I am still a little worried about the mismatch of ignition parts that I currently have so I opted for the new 12v non ballast parts.

Reference: This new unit puts out 24KV during "start" which should be very solid during hot restarts. The orange box only puts out 14-16KV during a start and Don said that this is a major factor in hot restart issues (non carb related). Even though I have not had any hot restart problems, my existing FBO unit still puts out 20-22KV, so the new unit will be a little bit stronger and it is designed for the 12v application.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)