
Hell some or most would call me the cheapest person here
because I do make alot/most things on my car BUT I
enjoy fabbing... I did build my car... but I dont look
for the cheapest off shore part or the cheapest thing
thats on e-bag ... and they expect it to fit and or
work... it does piss me off that people are loosing
their jobs and they continue to buy off shore... and
then they wonder why their own job is on the line

I enjoy fabing my own stuff too when I can - part of the "You built it" thing verses "you bought it". Agree on the buying off shore thing also ( My licenes plate frame reads " FOREIGN CAR CRUSHER" ), But that has been going on for years - in every facet of our lives. Also agree on the quality issue re: usually not as good as US made ( but not always ). A sight like this can help you sort through the junk stuff a bit, but it really is ( and always has been ) about the $$. The "pay for what you get" is a slippery slope. Not always a true statement. One of the things I enjoy about this sport / hobby is the $$ spent verses the ET. Always a challange for me.

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