
On the B body gasket, sealant (NO SILICONES) Byutul, Acrylic, Urehatane, etc 12" up the A frame, starting from the lower corner of the A frame, and 12" from the lower corner of the A frame, towards the center of the windshield, basically creating 2 "L" shaped beads on both lower corners, then install the gasket, the windshield needs no sealant in the gasket, there's no need for sealant in the upper corners either,....my windshield has been in for 7 years, driven in the rain, (monsoons at times) with no leaks at all, with the acylic or ureathane sealers you need to work quicklt though as they set up rather fast,..if you've never done a gasket install, it's worth the money to have a pro come and do it!...DAMHIK


put nothing on glass