I case anyone didn't already figure it out, this was all a bunch of hooey......I couldn't justify 50 cents per run, much less hundreds!

Randy and I thought the callouts on here had become kinda ridiculous, and we conspired to call each other out on the same day at the same time just for entertainment purposes. Only I got busy, and ended being a few minutes late

Guys on here make it sound like it's no big deal, but it's pretty damn difficult to build a 10 or 11 second street car.

Making our kind of car, on our kind of budget, is fraught with comprimises....

Randy's comprimises are a big gear, "real" slick and open pipes....and yes, a trailer...because it isn't real enjoyable to drive 70mph for hours with 4.56s. It could be done, but what would be the point? Common sense.

My comprimises are less gear, DOT slicks, full exhaust, but slightly more money put into the motor.....but I don't have a trailer yet, so applying another kind of common sense
I tried like heck to build my car not to ever need one!
But things happen. I'm going to get a trailer someday but until then, if anything happens...step 1, call friends who have trailers. If nobody is available, then it's gonna be AAA. I did finally get myself a 3/4 ton truck, so I'm more than halfway there. I really don't mean to give him crap for the trailer and so on, but he knew it was coming and was ready for it

Either approach can work! There is no right or wrong!

In my "challenge" I put the long street drive in there to make a point....I build my car best as I could, to do what I am doing with it...but that's all I will continue being proud of the no trailer aspect of it, right up until I get one...then I'll stop

Randy and I, and our cars, are more similar than different.
We both race to improve our machines, for the good times, and the great people. Unfortunately we're both lucky to get to the track 3 times a year (and that's during a
VERY GOOD year). Randy's health takes up alot of his time....my work and current garage/shop project are very consuming.

Kudos to those who have already been where Randy and I are trying to go (streetable 10s).....and double kudos to those who have helped him and I over the years.

Hope you found this as entertaining as we did.
Thanks for playing

Group hug????

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri