
I just wanna say thanks to everyone that came to the race and supported our efforts. I also want to appologize that we weren't able to be more organized about everything. I completely underestimated how difficult it was going to be to try and run the race and participate at the same time!!! We were having problems with our car and everyone there just fell right in with us and helped us get it going. Every racer there honestly would give up the shirt off their back to help one of the other fellow racers!! It didn't matter if you needed a part, tool, advice, or whatever everyone was willing to do whatever it took. Special thanks to Scotty Wilson and his dad for helping us change the plugs on our car in a rush. For those of you that don't know, thats no easy task on our car!

I learned a lot from this race and would do a lot of things differently. Maybe with what we learned from this we can make the next one even better. And to all the haters out there....well this site is a family site and I can't say what I want but you know what I mean!

Amen, Scott! You guys did an awesome job for a first time event and with no promotional experience that I'm aware of. And as I mentioned in another thread, thanks again to all the sponsors for taking a leap of faith for a fledgling event.

With the lessons learned on this deal, there's no reason why this couldn't be a bigger success next year, or perhaps even a series of sorts with the different venues that are hosting similar events this year (Marion, OH, Indy, etc.). Plenty of time to thing about things and get racer input etc. the rest of this year, but I sure do hope you/someone brings this event back next year. It was a blast even with the reduced field!

Nice meeting you and your dad as well as everyone else. You are all some class guys and gals and great representatives for Moparts!


(FKA Racer Al back in 2000...)