Good afternoon,

Has anyone used either the Golden Star PL08-68R or Sherman 263-41PR hinge panel pieces? AMD does not make this piece for the 70 B-Bodies. Surprising as the inner cowl panel is made by AMD and you would think they would rust equally (they certainly have on our car).
The right side piece on our Road runner is too far gone, I am getting afraid to open the door.

Jegs, showing the Golden Star piece:

Summit, showing the out of stock Sherman piece:

Golden Star is better price through Jegs and is currently available, which is not a huge matter at the moment but will be soon.

Rebuilding the car, a full on task, and planning on working from the middle out once I can get it in the shop and braced up in the near future.
Any feedback on either part will be much appreciated.

Best regards,

Last edited by David_in_St_Croi; 05/30/19 04:40 PM.

Proud member of the liberal scientific elite