Been struggling to find time lately, but messed with it a bit yesterday.
Dropped the PV from 5.5 to 3.5, in case it was pulling a little fuel that it shouldn't have with the low vac condition.
Tried a few different things (different idle speeds etc).
After the last change, adjusting the idle mix again, I fired the car up and got excited because I saw the vac needle jump up to 15"! Then I realised that I was still in neutral. And that the car was idling at 1500 rpm.
Shifting to drive, it dropped to 1000 rpm and 10".
So I'm getting there, but I'm not sure how I've screwed up the tuning so that I'm 1500rpm in neutral and 1000 rpm in drive?

I need to investigate things a little more. I found record of a previous tuning set up where despite having larger IFRs etc, my idle screws were at about 1 1/2 turns out. Now they're only 3/4 turns out. I must have changed something somewhere (wrong IFRs or something) and getting more fuel at idle than I planned?
I'll go back to that set up and see what happens.
