In 02-04 when I was working for "Cal Worthington and His Dog Spot" we had a rash of converter issues along with every other dealer. The problem had been going on even before that. Mopar finally figured out that the converters that fell into a certain production range, which is on the part number tag, were duds and caused MANY failures.The converters that fell into that production range were pulled off of the shelves and sent back to the PDC's as they were deffective from the get go. Of course they put dealers on restriction for trans work as it was the dealer causing the problem. Yeah, right. Mopar didn't want to take the hit on bad components. On the parts ordering screen, you could see what the weekly demand was for converters and O.H. packages at the local and national level. At that time, it was like almost 300 of each per week at the local level. That told me, a non college educated type, that this was not an isolated issue. It was a national problem with junky parts. Plus since I worked the back counter there and other dealers. I saw this stuff on a daily basis. This is why I chose a 6 speed in my 04.5 Cummins. Junky converters, poor shift point calibrations and lack of manufacture back up lead to many trans failures. By this subject, it looks like Ma Mopar is playing Egyptian again. You know, LIVING IN DENIAL! BTW, I see you are in Joplin, are you ok back there?

Last edited by CKessel; 05/23/11 05:02 PM.

Carl Kessel