Well been thinking of your response. Here lets talk about somethings. I wont even bother going and talking about your claim of "It's not a product you can buy !!! The P-A-I-N-T M-A-N-U-F-A-C-T-U-R-E-R puts it in the P-A-I-N-T when the paint is made." As you seem to not beable to back that claim up with any proof. I am open to hearing/reading your proof. Manufactures have been know to do strange stuff but then again making a car/truck look like sh!t doesn't make sense.

1st your claim about "putting more material on with each coat" Yes in a way more material on will hide some BUT how much are you putting on? If my 1st coat is really bad I adjust the gun to correct that. Learned that 20 years ago. More material will just cause problems.

2nd "over reducing,using slower hardener for the temp that your spraying in" Yes that is true I will give you that. But ever over reduced and had soft spots? Had to repair a scratch and had lifting happen? Better watch out it happens. Oh and before you bash me yes I have had that happen what painter hasn't excepet you.

3rd "slamming the paint droplets onto the surface by using more air pressure when spraying," What gun are you using? How much are you increasing the air pressure because if I read this right by you saying slamming that must mean you are cranking the pressure way up which I know you know this but would make a crap load of over spray which mean that you are putting more in the air than on the car which depending on your booth would mean that it probably is settling back on the surfacer which mean that you will get die back and have to buff the sh!t out of it which mean that in the long run you will have a smooth finish.

4th "Wet sanding is the final process of any quality or showcar paint job like ones found on a Bently, Ferrari, Jaguar, Foose, Codington etc."
Yes they all do do a major scuffing/buffing BUT the undercoat products are treated like they arethe final coat where they more than likely are straining the heck out of the primers/surfacer and sealers,tacking off the panels,sanding everything smooth,using correct reducers and hardners as per the temp and person that is applying them.

5th "Call your paint rep or go take classes on how to paint they teach you things like this." How many classes and schools do you think I have been through in 20 years? Pretty bold statement there.

6th "Or take some of the advice here and hang voodoo dolls in your paint booth or use a garden hose to spray it on or turn 3 times to the left the twice to the right then jump up and down 4 times before each coat" I usually do this but found that the voodoo doll was needing his diaper changed and that the solvents in the paint really made the hose weak and couldn't hold up to my increased air pressure so I could "slamm" the paint on.

7th It looks like we did a fine job of chasing the OP away and probably left him more confused than when he asked the simple question.. WOOHOO strike one up for the MIDOL militia." Sorry for the OP if this confused you and chased you away. Wasn't ment for that. The militia was more concerned in you not getting the incorrect info and being even more confused and left wondering what to do now.

So Boise there ya have it. You see when you post stuff like you did and can't back them up you will get hit by the "militia" Not sure what you been smoking or who p!ssed in your corn flakes but your responses sure make you sound that you are so p!ssed at the world and know everything that honestly it is fun watching and wondering what you are truely saying. If I was not educated and knew what Iwas talking about then why did others join in on questioning you? Oh and one more thing. I had to tell my boss who has been doing this since 1957 about your claim. He just laughed and said some people's kids know everything.

Good day sir

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