Hi Guys, I have a 1978 Dodge Aspen, and lately my turn signals have been acting up.

Both signals will turn on, then occasionally stop flashing, when turning left or right. They will either:

1) not flash from git-go,
2) will flash normally,
3) will flash normally then stop,
4) will flash then stop then re-start.

All the lights are fine.

Any clue on where to start? Bad relay? If so, is there only one?



"Robots building robots.... now that's just stupid!" - Will Smith in the movie "I, Robot".

'71 Demon (340/727)/'69 Charger (383/727)/'65 Barracuda (273-2V/904)/'66 Coronet (340/727)/'86 Dodge Aries (2.5L)/'78 Dodge Aspen (318-2V/904)