


Any news on the challenger pad?

I have to cross the boarder next week to pick it up.

I'm following this thread with interest. Hope your dash pad worked out okay. Any updates?

Sorry for the delay in this response, but I am just getting back to this part of the project.

I am going to start by quoting member '470bee' who said this a little earlier in this thread:

"At first I was very pleased. It looked great. Then after starting to reassemble my fuzzy feeling went away"

At first, I was interested in the appearance of the grain, stitching, script and overall appearance. I've attached a photo that shows some of these things. Initial impression was pretty good.

Then I got into attempting to fit some of the speakers and grill.

My car has a 3 speaker non A\C dash.

The dash frame I got was a single speaker A\C dash.

The A\C vents on my new dash frame are not really a concern, because they were covered up easily.

But the outboard speaker holes that were obviously cut open by a true craftsman, leave MUCH to be desired (I'll have to get into this later).

I thought I would be finished with the dash swap by now, but I now realize that I have just started...I hope to have more tomorrow.