
Stock Edelbrock Springs aren't good for much. If you want to run a solid roller you'll need to upgrade springs, locks and retainers.

What are your goals? ET? Power?

I think He is shooting for 475-500 hp?
E.T I don't know , I would say mid to low 12's to high 11's? Not Sure He hasn't been on the strip yet, Told Him its very easy to get hooked! .. I think his builder was thinking of a roller in the 240 range and 550 lift? Yea I would imagine his builder would know to change those Things out on the heads. Seems like a pretty stout solid for a stroker? I am A Pontiac man so I don't know much about Mopars as far as that stuff anyway.

Last edited by menomoniemopars; 04/02/11 03:15 PM.