

Pinion angle is the relationship between the transmission centerline and the pinion centerline, not to the ground and not to the driveshaft. Ideally, you want the pinion to become parallel to the transmission when the vehicle is under power and the pinion torques upward.

Make the pinion parallel to the transmission as a baseline, then pivot the pinion downward 2 degrees for a street car. This is referred to as a 2 degreee negative pinion angle.

THE ABOVE IS ONE OF MOST CONCISE, SIMPLY PUT, and IMPORTANT concepts I've ever read on here VERY well put.

Yet it leaves out one of the most important pieces of info - rear axle must be supporting the weight of rear of the car, as in not having the body of the car on stands with the axle hanging down.

Free advice and worth every penny...
Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........