


I am running the 2-1/4 TTI's, similar setup to you (Hemi K Member). The drivers side was a major PITA. We had to dimple the pipes in several areas, I'll see if I can dig out some photo's.

Thanks. Mine are the 2 1/8 I cant immagine what my issues would be with 2 1/4. My box contact points are almost the same as yours with the pitman being a lot worse. I will have to reassemble and get pictures.

I did talk to Sam at TTI. He was good to talk to but basicly said there is not known issues with the left side. He asked a bunch of questions and I need to reassemble and remeasure and write the numbers down. He said it could be a Keisler tko600 transmission/mount/crossmember problem. The tranny sitting to low. I need to get more info. He claims there should be 1/4 inch of clearance at all points. I am nowhere near that. I will do whats needed but I sure feel that that left header is not right.

That's the first mention you have a Keisler trans. I thought those always tilt the engine down in the back?

Maybe its an issue. I plan to reinstall the k-frame and do some measuring. Sam at TTI asked me for the center of the trans shaft to the tunnel measurement. Plus some other measurements as well as pitman centers. I did jack the tranny all the way up to the floor and the pitman still hit. So for now I need to get some measurements written down to be sure. I still believe number 5 tube is wrong.