


I am having a hard time getting my head wrapped around all this info.
Some say the stock scoops will not let enough air into the carb,,,?
My question to this is,,,why do all the Super Stock cars run them?
I realize they are correct for the car. If they don't allow enough air in,,how do they run so good? Record holding cars are the opitome of research and development. If the factory hood scoops don't work,,what are they doing to make them work? They can't be raising them up to get into the 'good air'..."straight line between roof and leading hood edge"... If the factory scoops aren't doing any good,,why don't all the people run the cowl hoods that all the Mopar people hate? I don't really care about what is 'correct' or 'legal', I am just trying to get some cooler, fresh air into my carb. I am not trying to be a wise act,,just trying to figure out some things. I will be doing some more testing when the weather gets better and hope to get this hood/scoop thing figured out so it will work like it should. As for the SS/HA cars having sealed scoops, they would probably lift the hood off or rip the scoop off if they were sealed!!
I still can't imagine how they are NOT having air problems with all the air going over/around the carbs,,,UNLESS,,like others have said..there isn't enough air going into the scoop...? Maybe they are losing some ET..??..I doubt this very much!

Who said they don't allow enough air into the carb? There is no ram effect but that's much different than what you just said. That's why the SS/H cars don't seal them. Some scoop designs cause turbulence around the carb and screw the fuel signal up. Some of the stuff out of the factory was for show and a little for cool air.

I believe you said in your previous post ...air is diverted up/over the scoop with very little air going in...I took 'very little' to mean inadequate. Maybe you were meaning not enough for a ram effect. I am not necessarily looking for 'ram' effect, just cooler air than is under the hood and not have the entering air cause problems with the carb. I am positive that the air is disturbing the fuel signal, just trying to figure out what it is actually doing to it.

Getting cooler outside air in verses under hood air is always a winner. That part is a no brainer. If in doing so you are creating so much turbulance that it has a negative effect on performance and or you have to run a filter to fix it, that is another issue that you need to address. You shouldn't be sacrificing cool air ( or restricting flow )to fix a turbulance problem. Your scoop opening needs to be OUT of the boundery layer, not in it. Rear facing scoops usually solve that problem. They also afford a longer run ( usually ) between the scoop opening and the carb. This also will help smooth out the air as it enters the carb. Other issues that can creat problems are big cammed engines with lots of reversion going on and the carbs being too close to the top of the scoop. The more space you have between the top of the scoop and the carb opening the less turbulance you will have. Above all, get outside air in. I am not necessarily an advocate of year facing scoops ( although I run one ), but they can solve a lot of turbulance problems, without having to put the scoop opening way high to get away from turbulant air. I would also say that if my car ran fast enough ( and it don't ) to gain anything from pressure ( above 14.7 ) I would run a front facing scoop.

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