
No recommendation but, thought I would point out:

LSA is given in camshaft degrees meaning, 107º would require
214º of crankshaft rotation from EX c/l to IN c/l.

108º LSA would be 216º @ the crank.

Identical lobes on a 107º and 108º LSA would change overlap value by 2º, not 1º

As Mike (sport) pointed out , the walking stick ground on a 108 has 2 degree negative overlap @ .050".

Guy over here with a stock 440 just got hold of a FT hyd cam from summit & was asking how it would perform................

Duration @ .004" 286/294
Duration @ .050" 208/216
Lobe sep 110/106 ICL.

Overlap @ .050 = MINUS 8degrees
Overlap @ .004" = + 70 degrees

This stick will be a dog down low but he decided to fit it anyhow , will be a nightmare to tune along with stinking tailpipes , possibly gonna have to lock that distributor out...........he asked me where abouts to install this stick , i told him over the wall.

Last edited by 602heavy; 12/28/10 11:49 AM.