FWIW, this is what Johnny Burch saw while testing at MIR on 10/24/2010.
542 CID (4.380 x 4.50 stroke), 12.7 CR (0.040" down the hole), 276/280 at 0.050" roller cam, max wedge Victor heads,
in this order as the weather got a little slower as the day went on:

36º, 1.328, 3.814, 5.911@117.10, 7.730, 9.281@144.83
33º, 1.334, 3.827, 5.926@116.97, 7.748, 9.301@144.63

richened carb, then
33º, 1.333, 3.832, 5.935@116.67, 7.761, 9.316@141.38
36º, 1.335, 3.826, 5.926@116.82, 7.750, 9.300@141.23