
J sounds like a good time. Searchlight and the Harley's that is. We are trying to keep her commute time as low as possible, but ultimately we have to find the right property for us.

Mike me being happy has nothign to do with it Actually leaving California is fine. We have seen lots of places in our Air Force time. My wife still has a few years left so we go where we have to.

She really wants to go to Aviano but is not looking like it will happen. Her career has taken a different path. Honestly our next move will likely be to DC if her career continues to progress the way it is going currently. She has taken a job as the director of the Anesthesia program at the hospital at Nellis AFB. She is being groomed for a postion in DC as director for the entire Air Force. I say great for her and support her in any way I can. the Air Force has given us alot over the years. If moving, or selling the cars has to happen then so be it. They are only cars

Lots of racing out this way...