
That's the car Bob,
I got a ride in it with Gary when it was still green with the silver stripe, very cool........

yes very cool in deed !

does anyone know what year Gary bought the car ?
i cant remember who bought it from me that was 20 years ago man where does the time go

but a funny story when i sold it to the guy, he brought his son and i took them for a test drive in the Challenger,i drove out of town nice and slow and just a good cruise for about 5 miles or so BS'ing with the guy about the car, i stop at a cross road to turn it around, so i stop on the road just like im at the track, bring it up on the convertor and did about a 100 ft. long smokey burn out in it and the son sitting in the back seat just went nuts ( screaming at the father to buy it for him ) i will never forget that !

im sure Gary had alot of good memorys with the car also