Well I'm trying to decide whether or not to build a new motor and trans. for my dart. Haven't raced for about 3 years now. Two years ago I sold the motor and trans. to a friend of mine for his street car, and I just started a new job about 5 weeks ago, not sure how long that will last with the state of the economy. Just not sure whether to go forward or just put the car up for sale and move onto other things I guess with the increasing costs of racing and getting to the track is a factor. Most of the guys I used to go with have sold their cars or are to busy these days. At 49 I just don't know if it's worth it anymore, I guess I'm getting tired. Don't get me wrong I go now and then to spectate and enjoy it, and when I'm there I say to myself man I have to get back out there, but then as time goes on I lose interest. Anyone else go through this? I do have a street car I could run at times, but not sure I would want to run it much as it's a numbers matching car, so what would you guys do? any opinions would be helpfull and may sway me to make a decision whether to sell out and move on.