the weakest part of any spring pack is the first 1-3 inches behind the front spring eye..this is where all the wrap up and hop comes from

caltracs put pressure there to keep the spring from wraping up and unloading over and over at a super fast rate..wheel hop

cal tracs pushes down on the leaf and the triangle bracket uses the leverage to lift the body weight and pushes the axle down to plant the tires and stop the leaf from bending/flexing just behind the spring eye

you see this at the fender lip and tire as seperation of the two..lift

ssm lift bars do the same thing in the same spot but push from the bottom of the sping to stop the wrap up of the leaf

with the ssm bars it has shims to adjust the preload in the left or right spring,pass side allways has one more shim than the other to counter the engine torque on the launch

on mine you can see a bow in the mono leaf between the bar clamp behind the front eye and the bar shock plate preloading the spring

when I jack the pinion up slightly with a jack,this bow comes out and lift the fender lip at the tire...I can see it working to a point by manualy rotating the pinion up

you need the have the pinion in the angle range with it nose down for maximum hit

and as in any street driving,you need to drive defensively and watch for road hazzards,curbs,potholes or you can have trouble

i will leave it at what you brung..and if you out run it...its cause you can!

Last edited by scratchnfotraction; 02/19/11 11:07 AM.