Andy, there is lots of unknowns with my car. I've never weighed it but it's got to be 3400/3500 lbs- I haven't taken ANY weight out so it's got that against it. I never made it to the track before I grenaded it but the night I hurt the motor I was making some passes out on the highway with a freinds passport. Now I know a lot of people don't put a lot of stock in the results of those things but this one was consistantly showing 3 mph slow and ET was within a 10'th of having been tried in a car that does run at the track- so with that in mind my car cars best was 12.1 @ 119.3( & it seems like it's always poor air here for performance). I was having a hell of a time to get it out of the hole without bogging or blowing the tires away- it was like a on/off switch. The track will certainly show something more realistic of it's potential-I would think mid to high tens given it's obescity. Someday I'll get there... but in the meantime it should be a lot of fun to tool around town in
I see youv'e caught the speed bug again with your Dart