I bought my 70 bee from a friend minus engine/trans and now I want to get the original ones from him. He's the original owner.
I have the correct motor as the VIN #'s are on the block oil pan rail.
The question I have is he said the trans got replaced under warranty within 5 years of him buying the car from the dealership. The trans he is telling me that came out of the car has NO VIN #'s on it. Since it was a warranty one I can believe that.

Is there any way I can tell if this trans was ACTUALLY in the car as a warranty replacement one?? I believe him but he is a Salesman so ???

Would the #'s on the trans pan rail mean anything or tell me anything that might help??

Since the trans isn't VIN stamped it could be a replacement but I just don't want to buy something and find out later I got taken.
I have to go look at the trans again since it's been 20 years since I first looked at it and bought the car. I was a kid and the original motor/trans didn't mean anything at the time to me. I just wanted a 70 bee to play with.

Thanks for any help. David eschedr@bgsu.edu