
Some of the comments are partially true. What I see blatantly missing in areas is ethics in this post and any other about this type of controversy. OH yea. Legally we can do this and that and avoid the legal wrongdoing. I think this is humanities undoing. What the heck does it have to do with right and wrong? Have we degraded ourselves to such low standards! That was rhetorical, I know the answer.

But it is ok to buy a part to SEPCIFICALLY COPY it because it is the best that is out there, call it less than desirable when we get caught because it fits our purpose, and then duplicate it with some changes to circumvent the legal implications. Then we can all say it is just our opinion and be legally correct. Just because it IS part of our system of government does not make it acceptable to be a THEIF FROM AN ETHICAL POINT OF VIEW. Where the hell is ethics in America? That is the core subject of this thread since it turned rough and no one has spoken a word about this root concern. If Americans would stand up for what is Just and Good without referring to the law and how they can circumvent an issue or how someone is correct because it is allowed by the law I think we Americans would benefit greatly. Dam’ it how did we get to such low places in our thinking.
