Maybe shooting myself in the foot here! But cost wise it is always much cheaper to buy a completed car over building one. Even if you can do alot of the work yourself,the hard part is finding a good one! X2 if you are a large person. The main chassis is the easy part, with a good plan you can assemble one in a couple of days. It's all the rest of the stuff that takes forever.The stuff you dont think about,Doing lexan right now on 70 duster, have 3 days in it right now still not finished. The good deals are out there right now. My advice is to keep looking, and never buy one without seeing in person.Or make a trip to AZ, and i'll build you whatever you want,we have some experience building for the larger driver,Billy does'nt qualify anymore as he lost to much weight in the past couple of years! Do a double take every time I see him nowdays.