I suggest checking with TTI on fitment of the angle plug Edelbrocks. I have both in the Charger. The 2" TTI pipes DO clear the plugs, but changing them requires patience. #2 and #4 require removal/install from under the car. #6 and#8 can be done from above, but is much easier from the Right wheelwell through the hole in the fender apron the factory punched for access to the alignment cams! The Eddy heads have had a few growing pains, from what I have heard, but that was back when they were first introduced. Some were known to have twisted decks, requiring milling to get perfectly flat. I personally have had 7 valves replaced due to stem wear. Both my machinist and I thought that there could be a rocker arm geometry problem, but I cant imagine how. My block is a 440 .030 over and the block deck was only cut .006 for a cleanup. Its not as if I milled the heads .050 like they used to recommend years ago in the Mopar Muscle tech section. Either way, the heads have given great service. No gasket failures even with 10.8 to 1 squeeze.