I was thinking about updating the chassis. Then I was talking with the curator of the Harrah's auto museum in Reno about it a few years ago. He was advising me against that. I have spoke with Don Garlits, he did the same. I have a friend who works for the NHRA Heritage series and he did the same. Also, since then I have gathered so much of the original history on the car too. With all the history and the fact that everything is original except the headers and the new re-made body I deceided that complete restoration was the way to go. So it will be a ready to run car meeting all the requirements from the mid 70's as last ran. The NHRA will allow certain things to be done with them if they are all original. For example, burnouts, and half track passes like Don Garlits does. Of course I will show it and do cackle stuff with it too.

If you looked at the website, you saw some of the stuff I have. I have more too. I have two of the Ebony 1971 magazines and a copy of the Nov 1973 Ebony Jr magazine she was in too. I also have the original letters from 1972 and 1973 that she received from people across the US after the AP artical ran. I have all five draft copies of the AP artical too on the original telitype paper. We are still gathering info too. For example, Dale Pulde has been in contact with me to give me info and I have spoke with Kenny Hirata many times about the car and his involvement.

Tell your dad I said hello. We used to work together in DC when I was in the Coast Guard before I retired.
