First time i met him was when he came over to my house to help me degree in the cam on my Charger,,,had only met him on Moparts,,,and was having trouble getting the cam correct,,,he stopped over,,,and helped me.

Sometime later,,He called me and said,,"hey,i have some old slicks and rims if you want,,,good price",, I picked them up at his house,,,before leaving he insisted on taking us for a ride in the Challenger,,,my son and I got the ride of our life,,,some small side roads,,,going side ways,,,smoke all over the place,,this was when his car was green with a silver side stripe.

We went to the first moparts party at his house,,,drove the Charger there,,,and burnt a plug wire in the process,,,next thing ya know,,he finds a new wire,,,and puts it on the car,,,,"dont worry about it"

He also said,,,"you know,,when you leave,,,you have to do the serimonial burnout on the driveway",,,no problem,,,tires screeching as i left the house....

Was on Woodward Ave,,,1 week before he died,,,we hung out at 13 and Woodward,,,have a picture of him and his car and mine.....

Drove to work at Beaumont Hospital,,,May 13th,,am,,,and,,doing my Internal Medicine and GI fellowship there,,,,,always cut through the ER to get to my office,,,,tons of police cars in the ER lot that am,,hmmm,,,
My brother in law was on that night as well,,,works as a ER trauma nurse,,,,usually i stop and talk a bit in the AM with him,,as i pass thru the ER ,,, he yelled to me ,,, as i ran down the hall,,,but i was late,,,and couldnt talk that AM,,,, Apparently he had taken care of a Police Officer that died a few hours prior,,, and a drunk driver as well,,, and was just coming off shift to tell me about his night,,,,i didnt know it at the time,,,but it was Gary he took care of ... My wife called me a hour later in clinic,,,and said,,,did you hear a Police Officer got killed ?,,,i said,,no,,but there were alot of cars at work,,,,she said,,,,Doug,,,that was Gary Davis !!!
Couldnt believe it,,,,i had ran by that morning,,,usually stop,,but didnt,,,,and he was there,,,,

Went to the Funeral,,,took the Charger,,,was in the procession,,,put the "180" on the window as did everyone else,,,,TONS of cops,fireman,,etc,,,,very said,,,,

Jack Irons started Garys car at the grave site,,,,pretty sureal,,,it was very quiet,,,and off in a distance,,,you heard the car roar to life,,,gun the throttle a few times,,,and then nothing,,,, last time i heard the car run....

Those are some of my memories,,,,
I didnt know him as well as most people,,,like Jack, Steff, Bubba,etc,,,but thought alot of him,,and thought he was a great guy,,
