I'm having serious thoughts, too. I lost my job a year ago, and with that went my sponsorship money along with the trailer. I did some consulting for several months, which didn't pay the bills by a long shot. I started actively looking for work last September, and finally landed a job that seems to have some great potential- I'm now a Hotsy territory manager- but our retirement savings have taken a beating. (I guess that's what I get for taking my boss at his word for being ethical and honest. We shook hands on a deal regarding the future of the company, only to find out later that he was negotiating to sell the company to a bigger company at the very time he was making a deal with me.) All my racing money will come from after tax income while we're trying to rebuild our retirement fund at the same time. I have an income target, and if I get to it, I'll keep racing, but if I can't get there in a year, the car will go up for sale next spring.
The upside is that the Alberta economy seems to be bouncing back pretty darn good, and my brother wants me to go in with him on expanding his trucking company, which will also help out. Bottom line? I'll beat up my golf clubs a bit more this year, and see what I can make happen.
It won't be the end of the world if you have to hang up the old Sundance, Mike. If you do, at least hang out on Moparts occasionally, as you are a fount of knowledge, and it's no pint keeping it all stuffed inside your head.
It needs to leak out occasionally, otherwise it's just inanimate tissue.