I never run tubes. Never ever. My tire Guy said the ONLY thing a tube does is help the tire hold air. Hoosier says they are tube type because they have a tendency to leak air. But, I have not had one lately that leaked much air if any. Right now my Right tire will leak about a pound in one week, but did not do that when it was new. It's BALD now

Some say that a tube will add strength or integrity to the sidewall, but I am not so sure about that.

If you screw those breand new wheels you are crazy

I just do not run them at the strip with the lower air pressure too much until a couple weeks goes by and the soap dries. I do not go beloe #13 PSI if they are resently mounted and I mark them and watch them. If they move a couple inches on a run I am OK with that. But I have had one go 3/4 the way around in 4 runs before with no problems. But like I said, I shoot for something less than that