

I just don't get the constant aversion to newer and more efficient parts going on our older rides. If it makes them better performing and lighter then by all means change for the better...As long as one is in keeping with MOPAR parts only...

Some people are weird and like the experience of old-fashioned things... I am one of these weirdoes. This is why I drive an old car with old parts. I don't understand why people take an old car and modify and change it with all kinds of new things that didn't exist when the car was made, pro-touring being the prime example. To me, if you want all the modern conveniences, why don't you just buy a modern car and not ruin the relative purity of an old car? This is completely my opinion, not meant as a slam on anyone's likes or dislikes. This, however, is why I personally like the slow, hollow-metallic sound of an old Chrysler starter, and would never even consider a new starter. It started my car in 1974, and hopefully it will still be starting my car in 2074.

Well that's fine if you want a bone stock grocery getter. For those of us that want to run headers, the mini-start is a godsend. I can wiggle it between my header tubes so I don't have to drop the header if the starter ever needs changing. I did not notice a difference in sound between the rebuilt stocker I had in there and the mini I installed. The old starter I had cranked the motor over well, but it started crapping out. Then lifting the full-size stocker over your head is a pita. The mini is so much easier to get into place and easier on the arms. For me, the less/easier the work is that I have to do while laying on my back, the better. To me, doing mods and little projects/upgrades is what keeps the car interesting.