

Hopefully someone will be able to direct you to a good site that specializes in them (quote)

try the c-body dry dock.com

They specialize in the bigger cars.
Good guys very knowledgeable,
some are members here as well.

You're just mad because I mentioned moparfins ahead of the drydock. Grow up.

You have got to be kidding about the Dock. There's a small handful that know what they are talking about. Most of them need training on how to start a car.

Commando1 is right about Moparfins. The tallent there is more knowledgable. Not to mention, the ones in the know also left the Dock for Fins.

I'm a Dock member too. I am constantly trying to straighten out people who are guessing. Frankly, I just won't do it anymore. Been a dock member since it's conception.