
Got a 440Source stroker kit for an RB ...

4.375 stroke crank
7.1 rods
1.423 comp. height pistons
.009 deck height (down the hole)
10.725 stock 440 deck height

4.375/2 = 2.1875
+ 7.1
+ 1.423
+ .009
= 10.7195 ??? What gives ... where's the .0055 gone ???

This is critical stuff !!!

easy there, chief! take a deep breath- there. that's better. is this your first engine? suppliers NEVER sell combos that are zero deck in an unmachined "nominal deck height" block. AND, as an added bonus, they'll give you compression ratios and deck heights based on a number they've pulled out of a hat! some will give you deck height based on -.010 deck ht, some -.015, and so on. ALWAYS mock up and measure YOUR deck height before machining, to avoid "nasty surprises". ALWAYS. if it's off, it's your fault. sorry.

for what is the good life if not doing things thoughtfully?